Committee Bill Records 2023-2024 Military, Veterans and Homeland Security
Military, Veterans and Homeland Security
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Committee Chair Person
Jennifer Conlin
Clerk Phone Number
All Bills Ever Referred To This Committee
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Bill ▲▼ | Committee | Sponsor ▲▼ | Subject | Meetings ▲▼ | Status ▲▼ |
HB 6144 of 2024 (PA 265 of 2024) | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Felicia Brabec | Law enforcement: other; destruction of weapons; require for buyback programs. Amends 1935 PA 59 (MCL 28.1 - 28.16) by adding sec. 5a. | 2024-12-03, 2024-12-10 | reported with recommendation without amendment |
SB 0388 of 2023 (PA 0100 of 2024) | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Veronica Klinefelt | Financial institutions: credit unions; designation of inactive account; allow under certain conditions. Amends sec. 355 of 2003 PA 215 (MCL 490.355). | 2024-02-06 | reported with recommendation without amendment |
HB 6145 of 2024 (PA 266 of 2024) | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Felicia Brabec | Weapons: concealed; sale of weapons seized by a law enforcement agency under 1927 PA 372; prohibit. Amends sec. 14 of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.434). | 2024-12-03, 2024-12-10 | reported with recommendation with substitute (H-1) |
HB 6146 of 2024 (PA 267 of 2024) | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Natalie Price | Weapons: firearms; sale of weapons seized by a law enforcement agency under the penal code; prohibit. Amends sec. 239 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.239). | 2024-12-03, 2024-12-10 | reported with recommendation with substitute (H-1) |
HB 5055 of 2023 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Brian BeGole | Property tax: exemptions; exemption for the surviving spouse of a disabled veteran; modify. Amends sec. 7b of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.7b). | referred 9/27/2023 | |
HCR 0005 of 2023 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Jennifer Conlin | A concurrent resolution to urge the United States Congress, Department of Defense, and Department of Veterans Affairs to prioritize research and investment in non-technology treatment options for servicemembers and veterans who have psychological trauma as a result of military service. | 2023-06-13 | referred 6/8/2023 reported with recommendation without amendment |
HR 0119 of 2023 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Julie Rogers | A resolution to urge the United States Food and Drug Administration to facilitate FDA regulated research on hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. | 2023-06-13 | referred 6/8/2023 reported with recommendation without amendment |
HB 5802 of 2024 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Veronica Paiz | Veterans: other; definition of veteran; include public health service officer. Amends sec. 1 of 1965 PA 190 (MCL 35.61). | referred 6/6/2024 | |
HB 5832 of 2024 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Kelly Breen | Military affairs: other; child care reimbursement for National Guard members; provide for. Creates new act. | referred 6/25/2024 | |
HB 5819 of 2024 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Betsy Coffia | Veterans: trust fund; veterans trust fund act; modify, and remove period of war service requirement. Amends secs. 2, 3b & 4b of 1946 (1st Ex Sess) PA 9 (MCL 35.602 et seq.) & repeals sec. 4a of 1946 (1st Ex Sess) PA 9 (MCL 35.604a). | referred 6/13/2024 | |
HB 5720 of 2024 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Robert Bezotte | Military affairs: other; access to resources by National Guard members; provide for. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5276'23, HB 5277'23, HB 5279'23, HB 5280'23 | 2024-05-14, 2024-05-21, 2024-06-11 | referred 5/9/2024 reported with recommendation without amendment |
HCR 0004 of 2023 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Jennifer Conlin | A concurrent resolution to urge Congress to amend 38 USC § 5304 and 10 USC § 12316 to permit members of the United States reserves and National Guard to receive full or partial active service pay in tandem with disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs. | 2023-09-19 | referred 5/23/2023 reported with recommendation without amendment |
HB 4555 of 2023 (PA 42 of 2023) | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Julie Rogers | Holidays: other; "Women Veterans Recognition Day"; designate as June 12 of each year. Creates new act. | 2023-05-23 | referred 5/11/2023 reported with recommendation without amendment |
HB 5703 of 2024 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Jaime Greene | Military affairs: other; Michigan National Guard apprenticeship program; create. Creates new act. | 2024-06-11 | referred 5/1/2024 |
HR 0071 of 2023 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Ken Borton | A resolution to urge the Department of Natural Resources to deny the Michigan National Guard’s request to expand the Camp Grayling Joint Maneuver Training Center. | referred 4/12/2023 | |
HB 4349 of 2023 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Amos O'Neal | Veterans: other; Vietnam veteran era bonus act; extend. Amends secs. 2 & 11 of 1974 PA 370 (MCL 35.1022 & 35.1031). | referred 4/11/2023 | |
HB 4199 of 2023 (PA 33 of 2023) | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Jennifer Conlin | Military affairs: other; Michigan National Guard tuition assistance program; expand eligibility for spouses and dependants. Amends title & secs. 3 & 4 of 2014 PA 259 (MCL 32.433 & 32.434). | 2023-03-14 | referred 3/7/2023 reported with recommendation without amendment |
SB 0690 of 2024 (PA 77 of 2024) | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Veronica Klinefelt | Military affairs: other; Michigan code of military justice; revise. Amends secs. 2, 3, 6, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 32, 34, 36, 43, 48, 52, 54, 58, 61, 65, 66, 67, 121 & 147 of 1980 PA 523 (MCL 32.1002 et seq.); adds secs. 6a, 30a, 38a, 58a, 58b, 93a, 106, 106a, 112a, 120, 121a, 121b, 122, 123, 128, 131a, 131b, 131c, 132a, 134a, 134b, 134c & 134d & repeals sec. 21 of 1980 PA 523 (MCL 32.1021). | 2024-03-19, 2024-05-14 | referred 3/5/2024 reported with recommendation without amendment |
HB 5547 of 2024 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Noah Arbit | State management: purchasing; divestment from terror act; expand to include Russia. Amends secs. 2, 10 & 11 of 2008 PA 234 (MCL 129.292 et seq.). | referred 3/5/2024 | |
HB 4336 of 2023 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Steve Carra | Military affairs: other; release of the Michigan National Guard into active duty combat without an official act of Congress; prohibit. Amends 1967 PA 150 (MCL 32.501 - 32.851) by adding sec. 203. | referred 3/23/2023 | |
HB 5433 of 2024 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Will Snyder | Military affairs: other; Tricare premium reimbursement program; create. Creates new act. | 2024-03-05, 2024-03-19 | referred 2/13/2024 reported with recommendation with substitute (H-1) |
HB 5277 of 2023 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Christine Morse | Military affairs: other; office of mental health; establish within the Michigan veterans affairs agency. Amends 1967 PA 150 (MCL 32.501 - 32.851) by adding sec. 322. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5276'23, HB 5279'23, HB 5280'23, HB 5720'24 | 2024-05-14, 2024-05-21, 2024-06-11 | referred 10/26/2023 reported with recommendation with substitute (H-2) |
HB 5279 of 2023 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Felicia Brabec | Military affairs: other; office of mental health peer mentorship program; establish within the Michigan department of military and veterans affairs. Amends 1967 PA 150 (MCL 32.501 - 32.851) by adding sec. 323. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5276'23, HB 5277'23, HB 5280'23, HB 5720'24 | 2024-05-14, 2024-05-21, 2024-06-11 | referred 10/26/2023 reported with recommendation with substitute (H-1) |
HB 5276 of 2023 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Jennifer Conlin | Military affairs: other; office of mental health; establish within the Michigan department of military and veterans affairs. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5277'23, HB 5279'23, HB 5280'23, HB 5720'24 | 2024-05-14, 2024-05-21, 2024-06-11 | referred 10/26/2023 reported with recommendation with substitute (H-1) |
HB 5280 of 2023 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | William Bruck | Military affairs: other; Michigan azimuth bridge program for transitioning military service members' mental health; establish. Amends 1967 PA 150 (MCL 32.501 - 32.851) by adding sec. 321. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5276'23, HB 5277'23, HB 5279'23, HB 5720'24 | 2024-05-14, 2024-05-21, 2024-06-11 | referred 10/26/2023 reported with recommendation with substitute (H-1) |
HB 5278 of 2023 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Robert Bezotte | Military affairs: other; veteran service officer mental health training program; establish. Amends title of 1953 PA 192 (MCL 35.621 - 35.624) & adds sec. 3b. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5276'23, HB 5280'23, HB 5277'23, HB 5279'23 | referred 10/26/2023 | |
SB 0389 of 2023 (PA 0101 of 2024) | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Veronica Klinefelt | State management: escheats; unclaimed property of military personnel; modify dormancy periods. Amends secs. 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 15, 17 & 18 of 1995 PA 29 (MCL 567.225 et seq.) & adds sec. 17a. | 2024-02-06 | referred 10/18/2023 reported with recommendation without amendment |
HB 5398 of 2024 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Bill Schuette | Retirement: military; Michigan National Guard retirement benefit; increase. Amends sec. 411 of 1967 PA 150 (MCL 32.811). | referred 1/16/2024 | |
SB 0364 of 2023 (PA 152 of 2023) | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | John Damoose | Property tax: board of review; definition of qualified error; modify. Amends sec. 53b of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.53b). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0176'23 | 2023-09-12, 2023-09-19 | per Rule 7/18/2023 reported with recommendation without amendment |
SB 0330 of 2023 (PA 151 of 2023) | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Mary Cavanagh | Property tax: exemptions; filing requirements for disabled veteran exemption; modify. Amends 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.1 - 211.155) by adding sec.7c. TIE BAR WITH: SB 0176'23 | 2023-09-12, 2023-09-19 | per Rule 7/18/2023 reported with recommendation with amendment(s) |
SB 0176 of 2023 (PA 150 of 2023) | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Sylvia A. Santana | Property tax: exemptions; filing requirements for disabled veteran exemption and provisions concerning eligibility of surviving spouses; modify. Amends sec. 7b of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.7b). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0330'23 | 2023-09-12, 2023-09-19 | per Rule 7/18/2023 reported with recommendation with amendment(s) |
HB 6135 of 2024 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Amos O'Neal | Civil procedure: other; individuals convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence; enact procedures for surrender or seizure of firearms. Creates new act. | per Rule 11/26/2024 | |
HB 6134 of 2024 | Military, Veterans and Homeland Security | Penelope Tsernoglou | Civil procedure: personal protection orders; removal of firearms; require for an individual subject to a domestic relations PPO. Amends sec. 2950 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.2950) & adds secs. 2950p, 2950q, 2950r, 2950s, 2950t, 2950u, 2950v & 2950w. | per Rule 11/26/2024 |