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Public Act Number: 205
Public Act Year: 1998
Document Type(s): MCLs
(5 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 38.1a Section Definitions; A, B.
Section 38.17j Section Purchase of combined total of more than 10 years prohibited; purchase of service credit in separate increments; future purchases not barred; refund; actuarial cost.
Section 38.17m Section Purchase of service credit; limitation; refund.
Section 38.19 Section Retirement upon written application to retirement board; retirement without reduction in retirement allowance; definitions; layoff status because agency or inpatient facility designated for closure; conditions; certification; application; funding additional costs; employees of state accident fund, Michigan biologic products institute, or liquor control commission.
Section 38.31 Section Election of regular retirement allowance or reduced retirement allowance; payment options; designation of beneficiary; effect of beneficiary's death or divorce; request by nonduty disability retirant to change elections; death of member before effective date of retirement.