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FY 2023-24 YEAR-TO-DATE* |
FY 2024-25 |
FTE Positions............................................................. |
13,190.0 |
13,211.0 |
21.0 |
0.2 |
GROSS...................................................................... |
2,086,250,000 |
2,145,157,100 |
58,907,100 |
2.8 |
Less: |
Interdepartmental Grants Received............................ |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0.0 |
ADJUSTED GROSS................................................... |
2,086,250,000 |
2,145,157,100 |
58,907,100 |
2.8 |
Less: |
Federal Funds.......................................................... |
17,143,500 |
5,180,500 |
(11,963,000) |
(69.8) |
Local and Private...................................................... |
9,805,100 |
11,694,000 |
1,888,900 |
19.3 |
TOTAL STATE SPENDING......................................... |
2,059,301,400 |
2,128,282,600 |
68,981,200 |
3.3 |
Less: |
Other State Restricted Funds.................................... |
29,805,500 |
33,494,400 |
3,688,900 |
12.4 |
GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE..................... |
2,029,495,900 |
2,094,788,200 |
65,292,300 |
3.2 |
PAYMENTS TO LOCALS............................................ |
121,453,600 |
123,656,000 |
2,202,400 |
1.8 |
*As of February 7, 2024.
Major Boilerplate Changes from FY 2023-24 Year-to-Date: |
1. Deleted Sections. The Senate deleted several sections, which include: 214 (Department Scorecard), 223 (State Administrative Board), 316 (Officer Training Academy), and all FY 2023-24 One-Time boilerplate sections 801-807. |
2. Mental Health Crisis Intervention Training. The Senate added language to require that training for new custody staff must include training on proper mental health crisis intervention techniques. (Sec. 309) |
3. Staff Overtime Hours. The Senate revised the report to add that each violation of the 32-hour overtime rule must be reported monthly. (Sec. 314) |
4. Probation Residential Services Per Diem. The Senate increased the per diem reimbursement rate from $65 to $68 and includes an initial client assessment reimbursement of $200/client. (Sec. 405) |
5. New Program and Special Equipment Fund. The Senate added new language requiring Fund revenues to be used for prisoner programming, special equipment, and security programs. Also authorizes the carryforward of unspent funds for use in future fiscal years. (Sec. 418) |
6. Administrative Segregation. The Senate added a requirement for a quarterly report on the number of prisoners confined in the various classed of segregation and the number of cumulative days held in segregation. (Sec. 711) |
FY 2023-24 Year-to-Date Appropriation.................................................. |
$2,086,250,000 |
$2,029,495,900 |
Gross |
Gross |
Baseline Adjustments |
1. State Employees Retirement System Implementation Costs. The Senate included funding for the implementation costs of Senate Bills 165 through 167 of the 2023-2024 legislative session that would allow certain employees currently in the defined contribution (DC) plan (typically referred to as a 401k or 401k-type plan) to terminate membership in that plan and instead become members of the State Police Retirement System (SPRS) hybrid pension plan that was established in 2012. |
16,450,000 |
16,450,000 |
N/A |
N/A |
2. Prisoner Healthcare Services. The Senate included a $4.4 million GF/GP adjustment for increased healthcare costs and an anticipated increase in the prisoner population as intake at correctional facilities returns to normal following the COVID pandemic. |
4,350,000 |
4,350,000 |
117,540,700 |
117,540,700 |
3. Nursing Cost Variance Adjustment. The Senate included $2.9 million for increased nursing contract costs compared to nursing costs for civil service employees. A shortage in available civil service nurses has created a greater need to hire contractual nurses. |
2,900,000 |
2,900,000 |
174,030,600 |
173,773,400 |
4. Detroit Detention Center. The Senate increased local funding authority for the Department to realize additional funds from the City of Detroit to pay for increased operating costs at the Center. |
1,600,000 |
0 |
11,419,000 |
0 |
5. Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT). The Senate included $1.0 million in additional GF/GP funding to continue to expand the MAT program. |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
67,760,900 |
67,760,900 |
6. Nation Outside. The Senate included $1.0 million in additional GF/GP funding to continue the Nation Outside program to provide reentry services for prisoners returning to their communities. |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
7. Breast Milk Program. The Senate provided $500,000 in additional GF/GP funding and 1.0 FTE to continue the program for recent birth mothers in prison to provide breast milk to their newborns. |
500,000 |
500,000 |
500,000 |
500,000 |
8. Eastern Michigan University Education Program. The bill included $250,000 in GF/GP funding to continue the education program at the Womens Huron Valley Correctional Complex. |
250,000 |
250,000 |
250,000 |
250,000 |
9. City of Jackson Water and Sewer Rate Increases. The Senate included additional funding for increased water and sewer rates at correctional facilities in Jackson. |
232,700 |
232,700 |
19,243,500 |
19,243,500 |
10. Removal of FY 2023-24 One-Time Items. The bill removed all One-Time funding provided for FY 2023-24. These items included: $12.0 million for Corrections Officer bonuses; $3.3 million for body-worn cameras; $2.0 million for Nation Outside; $1.35 million for Goodwill Flip the Script; $1.0 million and 1.0 FTE for the Breast Milk Program; $400,000 for Come Out Stay Out; $400,000 for Silent Cry; and $250,000 for Eastern Michigan University Pilot Program. |
(20,700,000) |
(8,700,000) |
N/A |
N/A |
11. Economic Adjustments. Included $46.9 million Gross and $46.3 million GF/GP for total economic adjustments. |
46,924,400 |
46,309,600 |
N/A |
N/A |
New Programs/Program Increases |
12. Peer-Led Reentry. The Senate included funding to expand peer-led reentry services into the existing offender success framework to require all regions to utilize the services of peers (former prisoners) to help guide and provide services to the clients (parolees). The costs net to zero as a corresponding GF/GP reduction in the Offender Success Services line item is included by the Senate. The amount shown here is the Department's investment in this program. |
1,500,000 |
1,500,000 |
19,175,000 |
19,175,000 |
13. Expand In-Reach Services. The Senate included 6.0 FTEs for additional staffing to provide pre-release In-Reach planning services to soon-to-be released parolees. The costs net to zero as the FTEs are reallocated within the Offender Success Services line item. |
0 |
0 |
15,753,800 |
15,753,800 |
14. Thumb Education Center. The bill included funding and 12.0 FTEs for the Thumb Correctional Facility to expand educational services and create the opportunity for prisoners to participate in more educational programming that would include basic, vocational, and post-secondary education. The costs net to zero as a corresponding GF/GP reduction in the Offender Success Services line item is included by the Senate. The amount shown here is the Department's investment in this program. |
483,600 |
483,600 |
37,920,600 |
37,920,600 |
Eliminations/Reductions |
15. Reduction to Offender Success Services. The Senate reallocated GF/GP funding in the Offender Success Services line to fund item #12 (allocated to Offender Success Community Partners line) and Item #14 (allocated to Thumb Correctional Facility line). |
(1,983,600) |
(1,983,600) |
15,753,800 |
15,753,800 |
One-Time Appropriations |
16. Chance for Life. Senate provided One-Time GF/GP funding to continue the program. |
250,000 |
250,000 |
250,000 |
250,000 |
17. Mental Health Crisis Intervention Training. The Senate included One-Time GF/GP funding to provide corrections officers with proper training on mental health crisis intervention techniques. |
750,000 |
750,000 |
750,000 |
750,000 |
18. Thumb Education Center. The Senate included One-Time funding of $3.4 million in Restricted funds and 3.0 FTEs for costs associated with retrofitting a closed portion of the Thumb Correctional Facility to create the space needed for the expansion of educational programming mentioned above in Item #9. |
3,400,000 |
0 |
37,920,600 |
37,920,600 |
$58,907,100 |
$65,292,300 |
FY 2024-25 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REC............................................ |
$2,145,157,100 |
$2,094,788,200 |
Date Completed: 5-8-24 Fiscal Analyst: Joe Carrasco, Jr.