senate resolution no.61

Senator Daley offered the following resolution:

A resolution to recognize June 2023 as the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Construction Technicians, Engineers, and Contractors Appreciation Month.

Whereas, The summer season is upon us and construction activity is expected to intensify, with numerous projects underway and slated to commence; and

Whereas, The dedication, expertise, and tireless hard work of MDOT’s construction technicians, engineers, and contractors are instrumental in ensuring the timely completion of these projects, as well as maintaining the safety and efficiency of Michigan’s transportation system; and

Whereas, The commitment of construction technicians, engineers, and contractors to adapt to changing circumstances enables the successful completion of complex construction projects, while minimizing disruption of traffic and ensuring the safety of motorists and pedestrians. They do so while demonstrating exceptional professionalism and bravery in ever-changing working conditions to enhance the infrastructure and transportation systems that connect communities and foster economic growth in Michigan; and

Whereas, The efforts of MDOT’s construction technicians, engineers, and contractors deserve the highest recognition and appreciation for their invaluable contributions to Michigan’s infrastructure development and maintenance; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate, That the members of this legislative body recognize June 2023 as the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Construction Technicians, Engineers, and Contractors Appreciation Month.