senate resolution no.77
Senator Nesbitt offered the following resolution:
A resolution to commemorate October 16-22, 2023, as Independent Retailers Week.
Whereas, Independent Retailers Week provides a time to celebrate the food, beverage, and petroleum retail industry and its dedication to the public in their delivery of services to our state; and
Whereas, The independent retail industry is comprised of grocers, specialty food markets, convenience stores, and pharmacies, along with many other businesses providing access to consumer goods and services in their communities; and
Whereas, This industry directly supports more than 158,000 employees in full and part-time positions throughout the state; and
Whereas, Businesses in the food, beverage, and petroleum retail industry contribute billions in taxes to state and local governments; and
Whereas, As we celebrate Independent Retailers Week in Michigan, we acknowledge the many contributions these businesses and their employees make to our state; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate, That the members of this legislative body commemorate October 16-22, 2023, as Independent Retailers Week.