senate resolution no.105

Senator Irwin offered the following resolution:

A resolution to recognize April 2024 as County Government Month.

Whereas, County governments play a vital role in the delivery of key public services as the original regional government in our state; and

Whereas, April is recognized nationally in order to highlight the important work of counties across the United States; and

Whereas, Counties supervise several programs to support mental health and substance use disorder treatment, care for abused and neglected children, administer justice through our courts and juvenile justice programming, maintain vital records, land and property records, engage in disaster preparedness, provide solid waste management, property tax administration, law enforcement, public safety, and election administration; and

Whereas, Counties provide services such as parks and recreation programs, senior citizen services, medical care facilities, drainage systems, and infrastructure construction and maintenance; and

Whereas, The theme for this year’s County Government Month is “Forward Together” and focuses on the three pillars of “Connect,” “Inspire,” and “Lead”; and

Whereas, Every year since 1991, counties across the country have actively promoted their own programs and services to the public they serve; and

Whereas, During this month, we join with local counties and county commissioners to recognize and raise awareness of the countless efforts and contributions of county boards of commissioners throughout Michigan; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate, That the members of this legislative body recognize April 2024 as County Government Month.