Executive Reorganization Orders

NOTE: Executive Reorganization Order documents are presented here for archival purposes only. Please visit the Governor's Executive Orders Page for recent updates.

Executive Order Description
E.R.O. NO. 2024-1 (E.O. NO. 2024-2) Department of Civil Rights Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential Workers’ Disability Compensation Appeals Commission Executive Reorganization
MCL Section Number 16.734
E.R.O. NO. 2024-2 (E.O. NO. 2024-5) Department of Agriculture and Rural Development; Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy; Department of Health and Human Services; Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity; Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs; Department of Technology, Management, and Budget; Department of Transportation; and Department of Treasury Executive Reorganization
MCL Section Number 16.735