MCL - Section 169.305

Act 282 of 2023

169.305 Annual financial disclosure report; filing requirement; timing; notice; corrections

Sec. 5.

    (1) A candidate for office shall file a financial disclosure report with the department.
    (2) Subject to subsection (4), the report required under this section must first be filed by May 15, 2024, and by May 15 of each year thereafter in which there is an election involving a candidate for office, or if the candidate for office files a statement of organization for that candidate's candidate committee after May 15 in order to be nominated by a political party at the political party's nominating convention, the report required to be filed under this subsection must be filed no later than 15 days after that candidate files the statement of organization for that candidate's candidate committee.
    (3) If a candidate for office who is required to file a report under this act receives notice from the secretary of state under section 13(1)(g), the candidate for office shall, within 9 business days after receiving the notice, file corrections to the errors or omissions or file the report, as applicable.
    (4) If a candidate for office is not elected, that candidate for office is not required to file the report required under this section for any year after the year in which the candidate for office ran for that public office unless that candidate runs again as a candidate for office.

History: 2023, Act 282, Eff. Feb. 13, 2024