MCL - 270-1984-8A

Act 270 of 1984

Document Type Description
Section 125.2088 Section Legislative findings; intent; scope of activities.
Section 125.2088a Section Definitions.
Section 125.2088b Section Programs created and operated by fund board; expenditures or investments; use of appropriated or transferred money; fees; restriction; selection of vendors; expenditure of funds without further appropriation.
Section 125.2088b.amended Section Programs created and operated by fund; expenditures or investments; use of appropriated or transferred money; fees; restriction; selection of vendors; expenditure of funds without further appropriation.
Section 125.2088c Section Duties of fund board; definitions.
Section 125.2088d Section Loan enhancement program; loan guarantee program; small business capital access program; Michigan film and digital media investment loan program; choose Michigan film and digital media loan fund; choose Michigan fund program; Michigan micro loan program; definitions.
Section 125.2088e Section Private equity investment program.
Section 125.2088f Section Venture capital investment program.
Section 125.2088f.amended Section Venture capital investment program.
Section 125.2088g Section Mezzanine investment program.
Section 125.2088h Section Investment fund; creation; duties of fund board.
Section 125.2088h.amended Section Jobs for Michigan investment fund; creation; duties of fund board.
Section 125.2088i Section Office of chief compliance officer.
Section 125.2088j Section Disbursements.
Section 125.2088k Section Strategic economic investment and commercialization board; creation; powers, duties, and authority; award of grants and loans; duties of fund; standards for expenditures of money; reasons for selection of grant recipient.
Section 125.2088l Section Commercialization board; membership; appointment; terms; vacancy; chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary; oath of office; compensation; reimbursement for expenses; organization; quorum; business conducted at public meetings.
Section 125.2088m Section Member, employee, or agent of commercialization board; conduct.
Section 125.2088n Section Access to books and records by auditor general; separate audit; requirement that recipient provide information necessary for production of reports.
Section 125.2088o Section Technology transfer acceleration program.
Section 125.2088p Section Michigan life sciences pipeline; establishment; purpose; commencement of operations; awards; selection of pipeline operator; request for proposals; contract; duration; report; "pipeline" defined.
Section 125.2088q Section Center of innovation program; definitions.
Section 125.2088r Section Michigan business development program; posting certain information on website; finding and declaration of public purpose; definitions.
Section 125.2088s Section Critical industry program.
Section 125.2088t Section Michigan strategic site readiness program.
Section 125.2088u.added Section Michigan innovation fund program.