Act 280 of 1939
Document Type Description
Section 400.45 Section Creation, powers, duties, and composition of county family independence agency; powers and duties of family independence agency board; offices; salary and expenses; prohibition; appointment and oath of board members; appointment and qualifications of directors, employees, and assistants; evaluation of county director; availability of writings to public.
Section 400.46 Section County social services board; administration of powers and duties; appointment and terms of members; oath; vacancies; conducting business at public meeting; notice; quorum; meetings; chairperson; effect of failure to attend meetings; compensation and expenses; availability of writings to public.
Section 400.47 Section Organization of district department of social welfare and medical relief; powers and duties vested in district social welfare board and medical advisory council; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; applicability of references; chairperson; conducting business at public meeting; notice; availability of writings to public.
Section 400.48 Section Organization of counties into single administrative unit; appointment of director.
Section 400.49 Section Director of county or district board; employment; duties; assistants; requirements; compensation and expenses; supplementary salary.
Section 400.50 Section County employee; unauthorized transfer of public relief recipient, misdemeanor.
Section 400.51 Section County board; executive heads of institutions and assistants, appointment, compensation and expenses.
Section 400.52 Section County department; rules and regulations; review, copies, filing; audit of case records; withholding fund.
Section 400.53 Section County board; cooperation with state department.
Section 400.54 Section County board; prevention of social disabilities, restoration of individuals to self support.
Section 400.55 Section Administration of public welfare program by county department.
Section 400.55a Section General assistance; eligibility of applicant; determination; failure of employable person to participate in approved project or to accept employment.
Section 400.55b Section Repealed. 1983, Act 213, Imd. Eff. Nov. 11, 1983.
Section 400.55c Section Repealed. 1995, Act 223, Eff. Mar. 28, 1996.
Section 400.56 Section Repealed. 1995, Act 223, Eff. Mar. 28, 1996.
Section 400.56a, 400.56b Section Repealed. 1964, Act 3, Imd. Eff. Mar. 13, 1964.
Section 400.56c-400.56g Section Repealed. 1995, Act 223, Eff. Mar. 28, 1996.
Section 400.56i Section Individuals having history of domestic violence; establishment and enforcement of standards and procedures; certification by governor; collection and compilation of data; annual report.
Section 400.57 Section Definitions.
Section 400.57a Section Family independence program; establishment and administration; purpose; establishment of certain requirements by department; assistance to certain program groups prohibited; determination of financial eligibility.
Section 400.57b Section Family independence program assistance; eligibility requirements generally; requirements applicable to minor parent and minor parent's child; recipient applying for supplemental security income and seeking exemption from PATH program; evaluation and assessment process; contracts; audit; member of family independence program assistance group not meeting attendance requirements of MCL 380.1561; implementation of policy.
Section 400.57c Section Application for assistance by minor parent; duties of department.
Section 400.57d Section Conduct of weekly orientation sessions; development of family self-sufficiency plan; compliance required; penalties; reassessment of recipient's eligibility.
Section 400.57e Section Family self-sufficiency plan; execution; development; contents; identification of goals; monitoring compliance with plan.
Section 400.57e.amended Section Family self-sufficiency plan; execution; development; contents; identification of goals; monitoring compliance with plan.
Section 400.57f Section Agreement with Michigan economic development corporation or successor entity; administration of PATH program; eligibility; exemptions; temporary exemption; disabled individual; rules; subsection (6) inapplicable after December 31, 2013; "PATH" program defined.
Section 400.57g Section Failure to comply with plan; penalties; "noncompliance" defined; notice; good cause; period of time recipient ineligible; denial or termination of benefits; "good cause" defined.
Section 400.57g.amended Section Failure to comply with plan; penalties; "noncompliance" defined; notice; good cause; period of time recipient ineligible; denial or termination of benefits; "good cause" defined.
Section 400.57h Section Repealed. 2011, Act 131, Eff. Oct. 1, 2011.
Section 400.57i Section Rent vendoring program; certification by landlord that requirements met; violation of housing code; termination of participation; eviction prohibited; delinquency or nonpayment of property taxes.
Section 400.57k Section Repealed. 2011, Act 131, Eff. Oct. 1, 2011.
Section 400.57l Section Feasibility of substance abuse testing program; report.
Section 400.57o Section Repealed. 2011, Act 131, Eff. Oct. 1, 2011.
Section 400.57p Section Counting certain months toward cumulative total of 48 months; exclusion.
Section 400.57p.amended Section Counting certain months toward cumulative total of 60 months; exclusion.
Section 400.57q Section Earned income disregard.
Section 400.57r Section Family independence program assistance; limitation.
Section 400.57r.amended Section Family independence program assistance; limitation.
Section 400.57s Section Repealed. 2015, Act 58, Eff. Oct. 1, 2015.
Section 400.57t Section Repealed. 2011, Act 131, Eff. Oct. 1, 2011.
Section 400.57u Section Reports.
Section 400.57v Section Automatic teller machines located in casinos, casino enterprises, liquor stores, or adult entertainment establishments; blocking access to cash benefits from Michigan bridge cards; definitions.
Section 400.57y Section Suspicion-based substance abuse screening and testing; pilot program; use of empirically validated substance abuse screening tool; requirement that applicant or recipient take substance abuse test; refusal; cost of administering test.
Section 400.57z Section First positive test for use of controlled substance; referral to department-designated community mental health entity; second or subsequent positive test for use of controlled substance; applicant or recipient ineligible for assistance; time period for pilot program; report; age of applicant or recipient; definitions.
Section 400.58 Section County medical care facility; program of care and treatment; medical treatment and nursing care; special treatment; building; review of proposals and plans; inspection; enforcement.
Section 400.58a Section County medical care facility; admittance.
Section 400.58b Section County medical care facility; eligibility for care; state aid recipient; admission of patients; state and federal aid for capital expenditures; special tax.
Section 400.58c Section County medical care facility; patients with contagious disease, isolation.
Section 400.59 Section Applications for aid, relief or assistance; forms, ascertainment of settlement, charge to county of domicile; temporary relief to persons with no settlement.
Section 400.59a Section Return of person to county of residence; deportation to another nation; expense; reimbursement from county of residence.
Section 400.59b Section Notification of county of residence; denial of settlement, notice.
Section 400.59c Section Domicile and legal settlement cases; appeal, determination by state department.
Section 400.59d Section Domicile and legal settlement cases; appeal; insufficient evidence.
Section 400.59e Section Domicile and legal settlement cases; notices, evidence, bills for aid; rules and regulations.
Section 400.59f Section Joint plan for economic rehabilitation of aid recipient; removal from county of settlement.
Section 400.59g Section Joint plan for economic rehabilitation of aid recipient; disagreement, appeal to director.
Section 400.60 Section Fraudulent device to obtain relief; liability; misdemeanor; penalty; information to be provided by recipients.
Section 400.60a Section Program of computer data matching; development and implementation; report.
Section 400.61 Section Violations; penalties; cessation of payments during imprisonment.
Section 400.62 Section Relief or assistance; effect of amendment or repeal; no claim for compensation.
Section 400.63 Section Aid, relief, or assistance; nonassignability; breach of lease agreement; conveyance of amount to judgment creditor; federal waiver; processing fee; biennial report; “recipient” defined.
Section 400.63a Section Contract awards to specific organizations.
Section 400.64 Section Applications and records considered public records; inspection; public access; restriction; uttering, publishing, or using names, addresses, or other information; confidentiality; alphabetical index file; inquiry as to name or amount of assistance; making available certain information to public utility or municipality; disclosure of information; violation; penalty; notice of assistance to deserted or abandoned child; documents, reports, or records from another agency or organization.
Section 400.65 Section Hearings within county department; rules for procedure; review by board.
Section 400.66 Section Finality of decision as to relief or medical care; investigation by department.
Section 400.66a Section Hospitalization for recipient; rules of financial eligibility; reimbursement; “hospitalization” defined; filing agreement, statement, or schedule of charges; report of treatment; statement of expenses; charges for special nurses; expenses after discharge.
Section 400.66b Section Hospitalization; application; emergency care, intercounty payments; arbitration of payment disputes.
Section 400.66c Section Hospitalization; reimbursement of county expense.
Section 400.66d Section Finality of determination of ineligibility for hospitalization.
Section 400.66e Section Receipt of authorized patients by university hospital; duties of admitting officer; treatment; compensation; insurance; affidavit of expenses; report on condition of patient and expense incurred.
Section 400.66f Section Repealed. 1971, Act 146, Imd. Eff. Nov. 12, 1971.
Section 400.66g Section Expenses of medical or surgical treatment and hospital care of child; reimbursement of health care provider.
Section 400.66h Section Hospitalization; consent to surgical operation, medical treatment; first aid.
Section 400.66i Section Reimbursement of hospital and state; reimbursement principles; eligibility information as basis of reimbursement; county reimbursement rate; annual adjustment; nonresidents; rules of financial eligibility.
Section 400.66j Section Patient care management system; establishment; certification; procedures; recertification; rates of reimbursement and length of hospital stay; contracts; report; system.
Section 400.66k Section Office; creation; purpose; duties; powers; appeals procedure.
Section 400.66l Section Guidelines for referrals to substance abuse prevention services or substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation services.
Section 400.66m Section Invoices for reimbursement.
Section 400.66n Section Appropriations.
Section 400.67 Section Relief financed by federal funds; denial or revocation of application, appeal, hearing, investigation; decision.
Section 400.68 Section Application by county board for state and federal moneys.
Section 400.68a Section County of settlement; itemized statement of relief expense; items of undetermined value.
Section 400.69 Section Estimate of funds for social welfare; accounting as to receipts and expenditures; district department of social welfare.
Section 400.70 Section Appropriation for expenses by county board of supervisors.
Section 400.71 Section Distinction between township, city, and county poor; abolition.
Section 400.72 Section Repealed. 1968, Act 117, Imd. Eff. June 11, 1968.
Section 400.73 Section Repealed. 1975, Act 237, Eff. Jan. 1, 1976.
Section 400.73a Section County treasurer as custodian of moneys; creation of social welfare fund; deposits; requirements; financial practices.
Section 400.74 Section Child care and social welfare funds; disbursement; bond; purchases made locally.
Section 400.75 Section County board of auditors; authority.
Section 400.76 Section Liability of relatives for support; action for reimbursement of county granting aid; duties of prosecuting attorney; reciprocal enforcement.
Section 400.77 Section Reimbursement of county for welfare relief; relatives or estate; agreements; hospital care, exception; county employees; collection by counties.
Section 400.77a Section Old age assistance, aid to dependent children, welfare relief; inconsequential earnings.
Section 400.77b Section Repealed. 1973, Act 189, Imd. Eff. Jan. 8, 1974.
Section 400.78 Section Grants and gifts; acceptance by county board; use of funds; duty of prosecuting attorney.
Section 400.79 Section Prosecuting attorney; duty to give counsel to board or director.
Section 400.80 Section County social welfare board; reports to state department.
Section 400.81 Section County board; seal; publication of rules and regulations; records and papers as evidence; body corporate, powers.
Section 400.82 Section County board; case examinations, witnesses, attendance and testimony; circuit court enforcement.
Section 400.83 Section Obtaining information from financial institution, department of treasury, employment security commission, employer, or former employer; demand or subpoena; definition; computer data matching system; confidentiality.
Section 400.84 Section State department; jurisdiction over district and county departments, rules and regulations.
Section 400.85 Section County superintendents of poor; transfer of powers and duties to county department of social welfare.
Section 400.86 Section County departments; powers and duties transferred.
Section 400.87 Section Veterans' relief act not repealed.
Section 400.88 Section Repealed. 1957, Act 95, Eff. July 1, 1957.
Section 400.90 Section Political activity or use of position by officers and employes prohibited; penalty.
Section 400.100 Section Retirement system service credits; continuation by employees of city or county department when transferred to state department.
Section 400.101 Section Distribution of general relief funds; effective date; state civil service system, membership.
Section 400.102 Section Nonduty disability retirement allowance or death benefits; eligibility, conditions.
Section 400.103 Section Agreements as to eligibility for supplementary benefits and medical assistance.
Section 400.105 Section Program for medical assistance for medically indigent; establishment; administration; responsibility for determination of eligibility; delegation of authority; definitions.
Section 400.105a Section Written information setting forth eligibility requirements for participation in program of medical assistance; updating; copies.
Section 400.105b Section Medical assistance recipients who practice positive health behaviors; creation of incentives; creation of pay-for-performance incentives for contracted Medicaid health maintenance organizations; establishment of preferred product and service formulary program for durable medical equipment; financial support for electronic health records; conflict with federal statute or regulation prohibited.
Section 400.105c Section Repealed. 2023, Act 98, Imd. Eff. July 19, 2023.
Section 400.105d Section Medical assistance program; approval; acceptance of Medicare rates by hospital as payments in full; enrollment plan; pharmaceutical benefit; financial incentives; performance bonus incentive pool; distribution of funds from performance bonus incentive pool; substance abuse disorders; availability of data to vendor; definitions.
Section 400.105e Section Appropriations.
Section 400.105f Section Repealed. 2023, Act 98, Imd. Eff. July 19, 2023.
Section 400.105g Section Remote patient monitoring services; definition.
Section 400.105h Section Telemedicine; eligibility; definitions.
Section 400.105h.amended Section Telemedicine; location; eligibility; prohibited conduct; definitions.
Section 400.105i Section Medicaid managed care organization; pharmacy benefit managers; contract requirements; implementation date.
Section 400.105j Section Pharmacy benefit manager; reimbursement; reporting requirements; confidentiality.
Section 400.106 Section Medically indigent individual; definitions; notice of legal action; requirements; violation; civil fine; recovery of expenses by the department or contracted health plan; priority against proceeds; release of claims; subrogation of interests.
Section 400.106a Section "Michigan freedom to work for individuals with disabilities law" as short title of section; medical assistance to individuals with earned income; establishment of program; limitation; permitted acts; premium; basis; sliding fee scale; revenue; limitation; waiver; definitions.
Section 400.106b Section Suspension of medical assistance; conditions; inmate residing in public institution; redetermination of eligibility; reinstatement; limitation; applicability; defintions.
Section 400.107 Section Medically indigent; financial eligibility; income.
Section 400.107a Section Workforce engagement requirements; definitions.
Section 400.107b Section Workforce engagement requirements waiver; implementation; survey; compliance review.
Section 400.108 Section Medical or dental services to which medically indigent entitled; certification; services to eligible children.
Section 400.108a Section Definitions; complex rehabilitation technology products and services.
Section 400.108b Section Complex rehabilitation technology products and services; policies and rules.
Section 400.109 Section Medical services provided under act; notice and approval of proposed change in method or level of reimbursement; definitions.
Section 400.109a Section Abortion as service provided with public funds to welfare recipient; prohibition; exception; policy.
Section 400.109b Section Modification of formula for indigent care volume price adjustor.
Section 400.109c Section Home- or community-based services; eligibility; safeguards; written plan of care; available services; per capita expenditure; waiver; rules; report; changing plan of care; hearing; appeal; expansion of program; implementation of program by department of community health and office of services to the aging.
Section 400.109d Section Services relating to performing abortions; prohibitions.
Section 400.109e Section Definitions; reimbursement for performance of abortion; prohibition; violation; penalty; enforcement; scope of section.
Section 400.109f Section Medicaid-covered specialty services and supports; management and delivery; specialty prepaid health plans.
Section 400.109g Section Specialty services panel; creation; purpose; membership; qualifications; terms; vacancy; conflict of interest; advisory capacity; meetings.
Section 400.109h Section Prior authorization for certain prescription drugs not required; drugs under contract between department and health maintenance organization; contracts with managed care organizations; definitions.
Section 400.109i Section Locally or regionally based single point of entry agencies for long-term care.
Section 400.109j Section Designation of single point of entry agencies; limitation.
Section 400.109k Section Compliance of certain community mental health services programs with MCL 330.1204 and 330.1205.
Section 400.109l Section Process for maximum allowable cost pricing reconsiderations; use by department of community health and contracted health plans; completion; notification to pharmacy.
Section 400.109m Section Individual as victim of human trafficking violation; medical assistance benefits; "human trafficking violation" defined.
Section 400.109n Section Behavioral health treatment services: autism spectrum disorder; re-evaluation and eligibility requirements.
Section 400.110 Section Medical services for residents absent from state.
Section 400.110a Section Funding; rural hospital access pool; limitations; definitions.
Section 400.110a.amended Section Funding; rural hospital access pool; limitations; definitions.
Section 400.111 Section Responsibility for proper handling of medical case; actions authorized to meet medical needs of recipient.
Section 400.111a Section Policy and procedures for implementation and enforcement of state and federal laws; consultation; guidelines; forms and instructions; “prudent buyer” defined; criteria for selection of providers; notice of change in policy, procedure, form, or instruction; power of director; informal conference; imposition of specific conditions and controls; notice; hearings; examination of claims; imposition of claims review process; books and records of provider; confidentiality; immunity from liability; prohibited payments or recovery for payments; making payments and collecting overpayments; development of specifications; estimated cost and charge information; notice to provider of incorrect payment.
Section 400.111b Section Requirements as condition of participation by provider.
Section 400.111c Section Duties of director in carrying out authority conferred by MCL 400.111a(7)(d).
Section 400.111d Section Participation as provider subject to denial, suspension, termination, or probation; actions of director; claims precluded; exceptions; consultations; hearing.
Section 400.111e Section Grounds for action by director.
Section 400.111f Section Emergency action; order; circumstances; extension of emergency action; “most recent 12-month period” defined; consultation with peer review advisory committees, professionals, or experts; order for summary suspension of payments; hearings; decision; meeting not required.
Section 400.111g Section Prosecution not collaterally estopped or barred by decision or order; hearing; decision.
Section 400.111h Section Applicability of MCL 400.111a to 400.111g.
Section 400.111i Section Timely claims processing and payment procedure; external review; report; definitions.
Section 400.111j Section Prior authorization for medical services or equipment; request by provider; approval or rejection; request for additional information; time period limitations; exception; certain claims not subject to prior authorization; rules; reimbursement system; automated payment system; vendor payments; waiver of requirement for prior authorization; automated records; limitation of authorization; definitions.
Section 400.111k Section Lead screening on children enrolled in medicaid.
Section 400.111l Section Children participants in WIC program; lead testing required.
Section 400.111m Section Audit of Medicaid cost reports filed by nursing facility; on-site audit; customer satisfaction survey; availability of documentation; auditor education; annual report.
Section 400.111n Section Effective date of policy changes affecting Medicaid cost reports.
Section 400.112 Section Medical services; contract with private agencies as fiscal agents.
Section 400.112a Section Liability for medicaid services; referral to department of treasury as state debt; claims against tax refund as secondary to claims for child support; “medicaid” defined.
Section 400.112b Section Definitions.
Section 400.112c Section Michigan long-term care partnership program; establishment; purpose; eligibility; reciprocal agreements; consideration of assets; receipt of asset disregard; single point of entry agencies; notice of policy provisions; posting certain information.
Section 400.112d Section Repealed. 2006, Act 674, Imd. Eff. Jan. 10, 2007.
Section 400.112e Section Rules.
Section 400.112e[1] Section Payments not required; amounts constituting payment in full.
Section 400.112g Section Michigan medicaid estate recovery program; establishment and operation by department of community health; development of voluntary estate preservation program; report; establishment of estate recovery program; waivers and approvals; duties of department; lien.
Section 400.112h Section "Estate" and "property" defined.
Section 400.112i Section Use of revenue collected through Michigan Medicaid estate recovery activities; treatment of remaining balances.
Section 400.112j Section Rules; report.
Section 400.112k Section Applicability of program to certain medical assistance recipients.
Section 400.113 Section “Executive director” and “office” defined.
Section 400.114 Section Office of children and youth services; creation as single purpose entity; duties of office; appointment, duties, and compensation of executive director; rules.
Section 400.115 Section Services to children and youth.
Section 400.115a Section Office of children and youth services; duties generally.
Section 400.115b Section Responsibility for children committed by juvenile division of probate court or court of general criminal jurisdiction; children and youth services and programs; services, actions, and rules as to neglect, exploitation, abuse, cruelty to, or abandonment of children; adoption of nonresident children; investigation; parent fees; policy regarding investigations and foster care service; foster care maintenance payments.
Section 400.115c Section Placement of children in family homes; approval or disapproval; information; supervision.
Section 400.115d Section Plan for establishment, maintenance, and operation of regional facilities to detain children.
Section 400.115e Section Detention home; assumption of administration, operation, and facilities; agreement; state classified service.
Section 400.115f Section Definitions.
Section 400.115g Section Support subsidy; payment; requirements; determination of amount; maximum amount; form to be signed by adoptive parent; presentment of first offer by adoptive parent; acceptance or counteroffer by department; completion of certification process.
Section 400.115h Section Medical subsidy; payment; requirements; prohibited payment; determination of amount; third party payments; waiver of subsection (3); time of request; payment for treatment of mental or emotional condition.
Section 400.115i Section Adoption assistance agreement; redetermined adoption assistance agreement; medical subsidy agreement; copy; modification or discontinuance; legal status, rights, and responsibilities not affected; report.
Section 400.115j Section Adoption assistance, medical subsidy, or redetermined adoption assistance; extension; continuation.
Section 400.115k Section Appeal of determination; notice of rights of appeal.
Section 400.115l Section Child with special needs; agreement for payment of nonrecurring adoption expenses; limitation; signature; filing claims; notice to potential claimants.
Section 400.115m Section Information describing adoption process and adoption assistance and medical subsidy programs; preparation; distribution; contents.
Section 400.115n Section Escape of juvenile from facility or residence; notification; definitions.
Section 400.115o Section Residential care bed space for juveniles; “appropriate juvenile residential care provider” defined.
Section 400.115p Section Local elected official or employee as advisor to juvenile facility; “elected official” and “juvenile facility” defined.
Section 400.115q Section Field investigation or home visit; training program; documentation of safety risk; completion with another department employee or law enforcement officer.
Section 400.115r Section Interstate compact on adoption and medical assistance; citation of MCL 400.115r and 400.115s.
Section 400.115s Section Interstate compacts; authorization; force and effect; contents.
Section 400.115t Section Redetermined adoption assistance; request; requirements; hearing; effect of original agreement; determination; basis; adoption assistance agreement in place before January 1, 2015; limitation on number of requests; adoptee adopted from foster care between ages of 0 and 18 and finalized after January 1, 2015.
Section 400.116 Section Duties of department with respect to juvenile court probation staff; consultation and assistance services; plan for voluntary transfer of county juvenile court probation staff to department.
Section 400.117 Section Repealed. 1972, Act 301, Eff. Jan. 1, 1973.
Section 400.117a Section Definitions; juvenile justice funding system; rules; distribution of money for cost of juvenile justice services; request for payment; offset, chargeback, or reimbursement liability; guidelines; reports; reporting system; county duties; rules; performance measures.
Section 400.117b Section Office of children and youth services; powers generally.
Section 400.117c Section County treasurer as custodian of money; creation and maintenance of child care fund; deposits in fund; use of fund; separate account for fund; subaccounts; plan and budget for funding foster care services; records of juvenile justice services and expenditures; child care fund reimbursable claims; evidence of compliance with parameters; applicability of section to county juvenile agency.
Section 400.117d Section Repealed. 2018, Act 21, Eff. May 15, 2018.
Section 400.117e Section Annual basic grant of state money; eligibility; use of basic grant; criteria and conditions for basic grant; money for early intervention to treat problems of delinquency and neglect.
Section 400.117f Section Joint program for providing juvenile justice services.
Section 400.117g Section County block grant; calculation; adjustment; deduction.
Section 400.117h Section Appeal.
Section 400.117i Section Raise the age fund; creation within state treasury; deposit of money or other assets; investment; money remaining at end of fiscal year; administrator; expenditures; report of expenditures; request for reimbursement.
Section 400.117k Section Juvenile justice residential per diem rate; adjustment.
Section 400.118 Section Youth advisory commission; creation; appointment, qualifications, terms, and compensation of members.
Section 400.119 Section Youth advisory commission; duties.
Section 400.119a Section Departments and agencies of executive branch of government; duties.
Section 400.119b Section Report by office to governor and legislature; contents; review of effectiveness of office; report and recommendations.
Section 400.120, 400.121 Section Repealed. 1988, Act 75, Eff. June 1, 1991.
Section 400.122 Section Repealed. 1978, Act 87, Eff. Apr. 1, 1978.