MCL - 368-1978-17-215

Act 368 of 1978
Part 215
Document Type Description
Section 333.21501 Section Definitions and principles of construction.
Section 333.21511 Section License required; use of term “hospital.”
Section 333.21513 Section Owner, operator, and governing body of hospital; responsibilities and duties generally.
Section 333.21515 Section Confidentiality of records, data, and knowledge.
Section 333.21521 Section Minimum standards and rules; practices.
Section 333.21523 Section Strictness of rules and standards.
Section 333.21527 Section Sexual medical forensic examination; administration of sexual assault evidence kit; payment provisions; "sexual assault evidence kit" defined.
Section 333.21529 Section Repealed. 2010, Act 23, Eff. Apr. 1, 2012.
Section 333.21530 Section Repealed. 2010, Act 21, Eff. Apr. 1, 2012.
Section 333.21531 Section Repealed. 1988, Act 315, Eff. Mar. 30, 1989.
Section 333.21532 Section Acknowledgment of parentage.
Section 333.21533 Section Acknowledgment of paternity.
Section 333.21534 Section Hospice care information provided by hospital.
Section 333.21535 Section Nonopioid directive form.
Section 333.21537.added Section Insurance enrollment of newborn; informational document.
Section 333.21540 Section Use of aircraft transport vehicle or rotary aircraft ambulance; nonemergency patient; medically necessary; violation; liability.
Section 333.21541 Section Transportation of nonemergency patient by aircraft transport vehicle or rotary aircraft ambulance; disclosure required; notice; signature; immunity; violation; liability.
Section 333.21542 Section Granting right to land by hospital; violation; liability.
Section 333.21551 Section Temporary delicensure of beds; extension; form and contents of application; amended application; alternative use of space; plans; relicensing of beds; automatic and permanent delicensing; bed inventory; transfer of beds; definitions.
Section 333.21552 Section Hospital transition assistance program; purpose; elements; feasibility study; financing; advisory committee; report.
Section 333.21561 Section Application for designation as rural community hospital; use of term “rural community hospital”; definition.
Section 333.21562 Section Rural community hospital as limited service hospital; delivery of basic acute care services; rules implementing part; agreement to participate in medicaid program; definition; participation in federal medicare program; appointment, membership, and purpose of ad hoc advisory committee; transfer agreement.
Section 333.21563 Section Rules for designation of rural community hospital, maximum number of beds, and services; showing designation on license; licensing and regulation of rural community hospital; applicable provisions of part 222; differential reimbursement.
Section 333.21564 Section Waiving applicability of specified licensure requirement; conditions; application for waiver; form; duration of waiver; definition.
Section 333.21565 Section Mental health crisis stabilization program.
Section 333.21566 Section Essential access community hospital; designation; purpose; eligibility requirements; modification of requirements.
Section 333.21567 Section Rural primary care hospital; designation; purpose; eligibility requirements; modification of requirements.
Section 333.21568 Section Rural health networks.
Section 333.21571 Section Rural hospital; eligibility requirements; definition.