MCL - R-S-1846-554-131-66-GENERAL-PROVISIONS.
R.S. of 1846
Document | Type | Description |
Section 554.131 | Section | Rent; liability of person in possession of land. |
Section 554.132 | Section | Rent; assumpsit for recovery. |
Section 554.133 | Section | Rent; other remedies for recovery. |
Section 554.134 | Section | Termination of estate at will or by sufferance or tenancy from year to year. |
Section 554.135 | Section | Aliens; realty; right to acquire, hold or convey, descent. |
Section 554.136 | Section | Aliens; effect of prior deals in realty on title. |
Section 554.137 | Section | Remainderman or reversioner; right to sue for injury. |
Section 554.138 | Section | Joint tenant or tenant in common; action against cotenant. |
Section 554.139 | Section | Lease or license of residential premises; covenants; modifications; liberal construction, inspection. |